To date, Microsoft has spent 1 Billion on Healthcare Solutions Group.
Microsoft's goal is to fill the gap to provide useful information that is stored in clinical systems and data warehouses, this gap is filled by Microsoft's Amalga solution.
Amalga's goal is to the streamline operations, coordinate care, and engage patients.
5 Areas where Microsoft believes Amalga can provide value:
- Improve Patient Safety & Quality
- Readmissions - solution is Readmission Manager
- Early Warning Score
- Revenue & Cost Optimization
- Compliance Tracking and Reporting
- Coordinating Care Across Providers
- Engaging Patients In Care
- Care Transitions
- Chronic Disease Management
Items in BOLD are their primary focus today and where Microsoft has use cases.
Essentially Amalga is a Business Intelligence solution that Healthcare focused. Its advantage is that it is a platform versus a bunch of individual solutions. The challenge they have is that some of their solutions are already built into clinical systems.