With the wide availability of free audio books (LibriVox) today I have set a goal to listen a least one book a week for next year. I will start this venture by reading the 30 books that I should have read by 30.
Run 1/2 Marathon a Month

Jan - Planet Adventure Winter Quarter/Half/Full Trail
Feb - still looking
Mar - Sam Costa
April - Carmel Marathon
May - Run with the Foxes
June - Indian Celina Challenge
July - still looking
Aug - Eagle Creek Trail Marathon
Sept - Wabash Heritage Trail Marathon
Oct - Indianapolis Marathon
Nov - Monumental Marathon
Dec - - still looking
Write More Blog Posts
In 2011, I will continue to publish my weekly list of links but I want to add at least one additional post each week. These will either be based upon the comings from work and personal life.
Take More Pictures
After the first of the year I hope to purchase my first DSLR and therefore learn this new piece of technology. In addition, I want to get better at taking photos with my iPhone since I have it with me at all times.
Get my next Mac Certification
I have been fortunate enough to have my work may for access to Mac certification resources for a full year so I plan on taking advantage of this upon my return to the office in 2012.