Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Company Website Implementation


As part of promoting any new business, especially a startup, it is important to have a presence on the Internet. In reviewing various websites it was our goal to have a very simplified yet informative website for our customers. This was achieved by presenting a very clean and organized feel so that the consumer could easily find our services, locations, and promotions as well as review more behind the scenes details of the company. The site creation was an educational experience that allowed me to brush up on my development skills plus utilize some new tools. Provided below is a snapshot of the company's home page.

Project Mgmt Process Breakdown
Initiating: 2
Planning: 8
Executing: 120
Monitoring/Controlling: 8
Closing: 2
Total Hours: 140

Thursday, June 1, 2006

IT Policy & Procedure

As part of the startup of a minor care clinic, policy and procedures (P&P) were required to be developed and implemented prior to opening the first business location in October of 2006. In developing the IT P&P there had to be ones that applied to the corporate office as well as the remote clinic sites. The challenging decision was whether to create a single P&P for the entire company or to have a separate one for corporate and clinic operations. In order to keep it straightforward for the clinical staff there two separate P&P created for the organization. In the long run this made it easier for everyone to know which P&P applied to their respective areas in the organization.

The IT P&P included the following:
  • Disaster Recovery: data retention, backup procedures
  • Data Security (adhering to HIPAA standards): workstation, server, password retention
  • Telecommunication Policies: cell phone usage and long distance
  • Change control: systems, user access

Project Mgmt Process Breakdown
Initiating: 2
Planning: 2
Executing: 40
Monitoring/Controlling: 8
Closing: 1
Total Hours: 53

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Great Plains Implementation
