Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why Healthcare Should Implement Virtual Desktop (VDI)

As the reimbursements for hospitals will continue to decline over the coming years, there will be a push for to find ways to reduce operating costs within hospitals.  One of the ways that technology can assist in reducing these costs is through the use of virtual desktop (VDI).  Provided below are few reasons why healthcare systems should consider virtual dekstop over the next several year.

  • $400 - $500k savings in licensing and hardware per 1000 workstations
  • Tighter centralized control of the desktop environment for OS updates and application installs
  • Allow anywhere access to a desktop for employees
  • Better support for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to work including tablets
  • Enhanced security by limiting the ability of remote users to introduce viruses from home devices
  • Reduce the need and cost for VPN and SSL solutions

This is by no means an exhaustive list and if you have additional reasons to use VDI then please let me know.